Ce guide est téléchargeable à l'adresse suivante : http://www.allianceproduitsdelamer.org/resources/Guidedesespeces.php
Pour le commander, il suffit d'envoyer un email à guidealliance@seafoodchoices.org
In response to the growing interest in marine resources and responsible seafood, the guide presents, beginning with the scientific data available, the principle species consumed in France, Belgium and Switzerland. More than a species by species approach, the guide details the state of various stocks of the same species, while examining the catch techniques and aquaculture methods. The guide addresses retailers, restaurant owners, fish wholesalers, fishermen, fishmongers… anyone who participates in the distribution chain who wants to contribute to the preservation of marine resources and safeguard the longevity of the industry.
The guide is available online at: http://www.allianceproduitsdelamer.org/resources/Guidedesespeces.php
To order a copy, send an email to: guidealliance@seafoodchoices.org.
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